CardioScale Ltd. Is an Israeli medical device company founded in 2012, focusing on early detection of cardiovascular hemodynamic deterioration. Shock, Sepsis, Trauma, ICU, pre\post-operation and chronic condition such as congestive heart-failure, can all be monitored by the patented CVRI™ index which indicates real-time patient status and trend for immediate medical response.
Revolution in Patient Care
CardioScale is revolutionizing patient care by predicting deterioration in patients, even when their vital signs are within normal range, which enables medical staffs to make informed decisions regarding intervention, and ultimately, save lives.
CardioScale’s CVRI™ is a unique and advanced indicator that assesses patient’s hemodynamic state and trend to accurately projects its developing hemodynamic condition, without taking any invasive measures.
True Meaning Behind Vital signs
The technology behind CardioScale, CVRI™ (Cardio Vascular Reserve index), is an integrated multi-vital sign index, which provides a full and objective picture of the patient’s hemodynamic state and its trend. Measuring only takes seconds, it is simple, non-invasive, and can be performed at any point of care by anyone – no professional knowledge required.